I like to sleep on the right side of my body.
I can’t sleep without music and the light off.
My favorite food is pizza and fried chicken.
My lucky number is twenty-four and my girlfriend’s is seven so we call it 24/7.
When I get hungry I like to make peanut-butter and jelly sandwiches, to kill my hunger.
I picture myself making shoes when I get older.
I tend to make funny jokes at the wrong time.
I’m a morning person, people tell me that i get to high-per.
I have more friend that family.
I hate to loss in anything i wont let anyone win they would need to do it with skills.
My favorite colors are blue, purple, and black.
I still like to read Cat N’ The Hat.
When I get sick I get sick for a long period of time.
I’ve been to New York over night.
I love to air plains at night when its raining.
I always wanted to go camping for a week.
I’m really cocky when it comes to anything (sports, looks, school and so on).
I hate fish it makes me sick!
When I grow up I want to see a Super Bowl.
My biggies dream is to make it to the pros (NFL or NBA).
I hate when people don’t listen to me.
My favorite pet name Poca i don’t why.
I love to eat every two minutes.
I have the best eye sight in my family.
I can't say my ABC backward if you give me time to think about it.