Thursday, September 30, 2010
Wednesday, September 29, 2010
"Two Kinds" Mother & Daughter Conflict
The conflicts between the mother and the daughter is that the mother aleays wants her to do things that she doesn't want to do. Like playing the piano Jing-Mei doesn't want to play the piano but her mother picks a her to do it. The other conflict is that the mother still doesn't know how to deal with the issues of her other kid that died, so she kind of takes it out on Jing-Mei. Jing-Mei finally was done with all the stuff the mother was putting her into, so she got mad and blow up on her.
Tuesday, September 28, 2010
"Two Kinds" Summary Poem
With all the training I do I still can't play the piano to the best of my ableity. A week ago my mom would always tell me to work on it, she would say, "Jing-Mei the talent show is coming up some and there will be no mistakes in front of my face. This family was a disappointment people looked and giggled until the tears fall from there eyes with out an supprise. The day of the show I took some notes from the others how played that every same day. I realized that this wasn't for me so when i got up there i hit anykey. the babies in the show cried there was not claps and I looked back and everyone seemed dead.
Monday, September 27, 2010
Favorite Character Interview
Ask the person the following interview questions and record their responses. I recommend that you type their responses below the questions on a Google Doc. Remember to use complete sentences. (If you are trying to earn above grade level, you may use another tool to record and share the responses.)
• What is your name? (Do not write a student’s last name.)
• What is your favorite character in a movie or book?
• Describe your character in one word.
• What is the character’s motivation?
• Describe the character’s appearance.
• Name a few actions the character performs.
• What does the character think about?
• What does the character say?
• Why do you like this character?
• What is your name? (Do not write a student’s last name.)
• What is your favorite character in a movie or book?
• Describe your character in one word.
• What is the character’s motivation?
• Describe the character’s appearance.
• Name a few actions the character performs.
• What does the character think about?
• What does the character say?
• Why do you like this character?
Thursday, September 23, 2010
“Two Kinds” In the Shoes of a Prodigy
When I was a young I would always have the same issues arise, FIGHTING!! It was hard to over come I have always been a hothead, which means I get mad really fast even over the little things. People know that they could pick at me easily so they would do it almost everyday. Over the years I got in many fights until one day I got talked to about it. I soon realized that fighting was the thing taking me in and out of school. Fighting was a life that I had to get over, so to get over it I had to find a different way to get my anger out. I started to find real friends to talk to, they would always tell me fighting is the easy way out a real man would walk away. Now when I am thinking about fighting I take a deep breath and walk away even if it's to hard I still try to do it.
Wednesday, September 22, 2010
My Input for Staff-Teacher Conferences Paragraph
I don't really think my grade is the way it should be, I think I can work harder to get a better grade. The reason for me having this grade was the lack of doing my homework which ended up to me doing it in class which made me miss my warm-ups in class. In class I am good at everything beside the homework issue, I know how to do almost everything but I don't put the time in. The challenges I face is asking for help and doing my work. To improve my grade I just need to stay on top of my work, which means class, and homework. The only way campus adults can help me is if I ask for the help so it's not really on them is on me do ask for the help from them. Also Ms. Priester is here to teach me all she needs to do is make sure I am able to get my homework done that's about it. By the end of this quarter I want to get a high D or C do to the fact that my grade was so low that I can't get it higher than that.
Tuesday, September 21, 2010
“Two Kinds” Conflict Experience Paragraph

It was a friday, the week was over and I my friends wanted me to go out. I know when i get back home from pass that they would drug tested me. My friend asked me, "Do you still smoke." I looked at him and told him that I gave that all up. He looked at me and he tried to make me smoke it by telling me that there's nothing bad about it, he was like remember the old times when we do it together. By that time my head was racing I know that if I kept thinking about it it would make me want to do it. I got up and told him if your my friend then it doesn't matter if i smoke with you or not. By that time he was mad he said,"You changed on me for what?" I felt like this wasn't something to keep talking about so i decided to walk away and mind my on business, and from that day i ever smoked again.
Character Trait Acrostic Poems (About me)
-I'm able to step up and help in front of a big group
-I don't disrespect others when they are disrespecting me
Out Going
-I love to go out and have fun.
-I'm determined to follow my dreams
-I play every sport in the world
-I like to do crazy thing in a good way
-I like to work by myslef, and other things by myslef
-I'm considerate to others feelings
-I able to help others when they are down, even if i had something planned I would stop to help them.
-I'm able to step up and help in front of a big group
-I don't disrespect others when they are disrespecting me
Out Going
-I love to go out and have fun.
-I'm determined to follow my dreams
-I play every sport in the world
-I like to do crazy thing in a good way
-I like to work by myslef, and other things by myslef
-I'm considerate to others feelings
-I able to help others when they are down, even if i had something planned I would stop to help them.
Monday, September 20, 2010
OAATS Analysis of Peer
Other people say thaty Aryon is a pretty cool person, he keeps to himslef and he doesn't have any issue. Aryon is not so tall good for his age, skiny long hair, talkitive loves to play sports and works hard at what he does. He's action with other people is that if you respect him he will respect you back without you needing to ask. Basketball is his favorite sport and he plays it ever other day. He thinks of himslef as a hard worker, funny, friendly, caring, and helpful at times when he's not mad at everyone. Aryon also can be a talker when he's not mad but he knows when its the right time to talk and when it's time to spot it all together.
Other people say thaty Aryon is a pretty cool person, he keeps to himslef and he doesn't have any issue. Aryon is not so tall good for his age, skiny long hair, talkitive loves to play sports and works hard at what he does. He's action with other people is that if you respect him he will respect you back without you needing to ask. Basketball is his favorite sport and he plays it ever other day. He thinks of himslef as a hard worker, funny, friendly, caring, and helpful at times when he's not mad at everyone. Aryon also can be a talker when he's not mad but he knows when its the right time to talk and when it's time to spot it all together.
Friday, September 17, 2010
Character to Person Comparison Paragraph
I can see myslef being like Maggie in a way because I like everything and everyone in my family to look good. Some time that could be bad and some ways it could be okay. I see myslef looking at my stepbrother and when he has on beat up shoes or anything I would just want to go out and buy him some new ones so that other people don't look at the both of us becuase of one little fall back. I also do the same with my dad but I don't really say anything about it becuase he gets mad at me.
Thursday, September 16, 2010
"Everyday Use" Plot Retelling
Dee has always been better than me, she coming back to visit and mom just can't wait to see her. Before the house burned down the house I never liked she was always there. I also hate the way mother look I just wish she would take better care of herself. Sometimes it hard to be seen with her becuase of the way she looks but she's happy with the way she looks I don't understand that if thatwas me I would be mad at myself.
Dee has always been better than me, she coming back to visit and mom just can't wait to see her. Before the house burned down the house I never liked she was always there. I also hate the way mother look I just wish she would take better care of herself. Sometimes it hard to be seen with her becuase of the way she looks but she's happy with the way she looks I don't understand that if thatwas me I would be mad at myself.
Wednesday, September 15, 2010
“Everyday Use” Before You Read: Traditions and Heirlooms
The tradition that I would like to pass down would be Birthdays my family is real big on brithday, for everyones brithdays I plan on having big partys with family and friends together spending time without fighting. Also I would pass down my signed foorball from Jammer so that they can keep it and pass it down to their kids and family.
Tuesday, September 14, 2010
"Contents of the Dead Man's Pocket" Plot Change Paragraph
If I was Tom I would have done the same thing but for my money I am a kind of person that loves money. If my money had fell out the window and that was all I was going to get for a week I would try and save if. With money I could buy some new shoes or something like that with out it I can't do anything.
"Contents of the Dead Man's Pocket" Friends or Studying Paragraph
Over the few years I have been picking my friends but now I see that's not getting me anywhere. Picking your friends over your school work puts you under the bus not them. So now I am not picking my friends I am pick school then friend. School is one of the biggest things in a person life and I am going to do my bast at it as if it was football to me.
Memorable Birthday Blog Post
My sixteenth birthday was the best not only becuase I am a year older but I got to see people that I haven't seen in a long time. The day started off slow I was waiting to get picked up by my big brother he said he was going to take me to the mall. After 3 hours of waiting I got picked up only to find out that I wasn't going to the mall I was going to his house. I get to the front door of his house to see everyone all my friends and family in on party there was no fighting no drugs and the best of all no drama.
Embarrassing Moment
My most embarrassing moment was when I was 12 my dad and I was going to the movies. It was the start of the movie and I really had to go to the bathroom but I didn't want to miss anything. I was holding it in for like ten minites. I felt myslef about to come out so this is when I decide to run out the movies about time I got to the bathroom it was to late. It was to embarrassing to say anything to my dad so I waited in the bathroom. After a long time of sitting in there my dad had came. On my way back home I had nothing to say all I could do is sit there with my head down. That is my most EMBARRASSING MOMENT!!
Free rite Blog Post (make up)
The last few days I have been mad at myself for my grade but haven't done anything to change them. SO now I cleaned my mind and I am going to work hard to pass all my classes with B's. I am not doing this for anyone but myself and to prove to everyone that I can still do good in school. I am hopping to play sports but with the grades I have its going to be hard so i need to step it up and work hard at it.
Character Prior Knowledge Paragraph
Characters are the people or thing that talk in the story.
Tom Bonecky in one of the stories that we read lost his work paper and he was the type of Character that was really wanted to do well in work but he took to much time with is instead of spendiong time with his wife. Tom Bonecky in the end of the story changed his whole role in work andd spent time with his family
Tom Bonecky in one of the stories that we read lost his work paper and he was the type of Character that was really wanted to do well in work but he took to much time with is instead of spendiong time with his wife. Tom Bonecky in the end of the story changed his whole role in work andd spent time with his family
Monday, September 13, 2010
Thursday, September 9, 2010
Mouse in the Cafe Short Story
There once was a boy named Ben he was on hi was back home from school, he was already for his birthday until he found out that his party was going to be cancelled. He ad spent his whole week planing and inviting people, he even spent money on the party favers. He went up to his mom and asked her if he could have the party, she ended up saying no becuase she wants family time. He went and asked his dad and his dad said ask your mom. Ben was upset and he didn't want to have a brithday. The day Ben's brithday came he trapped himslef in his room. that gave is family time to set up a surprise party. Ben walked out of his room and find all his friends and family yellling happy brithday. In the end ben got just what he wanted for his brithday and that was to spend time with friends anf family.
Wednesday, September 8, 2010
"The Pedestrian" Center for Regressive Tendencies Paragraph
I walked in the center there was nothing but tvs and other tech things. My first day there they mad me sit down and watch some show that was highly addictive. I sat there watching tv for hours and hours. I wanted to take my daily walk but they told me that there will be no more walking only driving. I begain to think, "Is this how my whole life is going to be?" I looked at myslef in the miror to see myslef geting a little big everyday.
Friday, September 3, 2010
Purpose of "The Pedestrian" Paragraph
This short story's puerpose was to give the people a little example of of the future will be like. The people don't want to go out so that they can watch their T.V. shows. Its also to give people a heads up on how the world is changing today with more people driving in car instead of walking, or more people watch T.V. instead of playing outside.
Thursday, September 2, 2010
Life in 2053 Paragraph – “The Pedestrian” Before You Read
In the year 2053 the world will be differnet in all kinds of ways. For I plan on waking up to a nicely cooked meal, cooked by my smart house. after that I my clothing will be set on my bed ready for me to get ready for my day. I would need to work two jobs becuase the government is making it hard for people to make good money. After a long day of working both jobs I'll go home to see my wife in my hover car getting ready to blast off. In 2053 humans wouldn't fight wars the robets that we made will do it for us. Mankind will not need to over do anything in the year
Wednesday, September 1, 2010
Social Life HW
The story and the poem's theme are based on over working. Over working can get in between relationships like in the story the man skipped going to the movies with his wife and he ended up in a deadly issue. The theme connect with my life in away becuase I spend more time with sports, and I tend to forget about my friends and family in the process.
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