Tuesday, February 22, 2011
Persuading You to Read a Blog
To all my classmates it's time for us to step up and take the freshman in, if we comment on there blogs and gave them tips on things the need to work on and the things they are doing in the right way. I believe me as a sophomore I know how it was to be a freshman and with out a little bit of help it was hard. Not only that we can also learn some stuff from they freshman. Helping someone feels good in the time, just stopping by to comment on someones blog makes people happy. So why no help the underclassmen?
Sophomore Paragraph
Being a Sophomore means one year closer to being a man for me. I believe that every year counts but the Sophomore year is one of the hardest years in high school. I believe its a time to become something new by growing up, also it becomes time when we should sit down and think about life and what are we going too do after high school. Many of us don't think about life aftewr high school but it is something that everyone will come across. You can only be a Sophomore once so I want to live it up.
Wednesday, February 16, 2011
SPA Poem
Tuesday, February 15, 2011
Free Choice Blog Post
Today was a very good day even with all the drama that I had it was still fun. I feel like being in a relationship here on campus is hard because you see that person to much. I say that because I had a relationship that went down hill. This week we talked a lot about love, I believe love is when the person you "love" will never hurt you or say anything to hurt you. Also when the person you love can tell you EVERYTHING no matter how hard or bad the issue is. Additional love is when you will never let that person go for any reason unless its really time for you two to grow apart. I came to understand all this in the last year or two.
Monday, February 14, 2011
Teachers Reflection
Today my group and I did a fantastic job, with all the hard work we put in it paid off. I believe the class had a alright time and the work wasn't to hard so that the other students could understand everything we had to do in class. Also I had a lot of help with my group members which was Bella and Aryon I feel like they put in a lot of work today and that's why I feel like we did a fantastic job today as the "Teachers of the Day"
Memorable Valentine's Day
A memorable Vakentines Day was when I was younger and it was more important to us. I had a cute little girlfriend and the plan was to go to my house after school to enjoy the day. After school we watched movies and just had a relaxing time. Until it was time for her to go home then after that I was left all by myself
Thursday, February 10, 2011
"I am Offering This Poem" by Jimmy Santiago Baca / Classwork
The poem shows that the he is in love and really cares, I believe that he wrote this poem for someone that he cared about deeply and it kind of saying that he don't have much to give but what he does have to give is more to take. The poem is a way for the writer to say how he feels and thinks about her in a short period of time. This is why the emotion is the peom is Love.
"Same Song" Paragraph
Looking good for me is a big deal because I believe that at anytime you have a chance to see someone different and meet new people, "You never know what can happen." Also when I was younger I couldn't leave my house with out getting dressed. Looking good makes me feel like I am clean because I know I took the time in the morning to get dressed and to smell good and everything else. The theme or message the poem conveys is that looking good doesn't make everything better because when you look at yourself you are still going to think the same about yourself, because you and hide from yourself.
Wednesday, February 9, 2011
Tuesday, February 8, 2011
Blog Publication "Heart! We will forget him!" Paragraph
The woman talks to her heart as if it was a human to let go of some of the pain that she still had from being heartbroken, also becuase she mite no have anyone else to help her with the loss. Addictional I believe that people have different ways of handling their own issuse and that is the way that the lady deals with her issus by talking to the one person that understands her and thats herself.
Third Quarter Goals
My goals for this quarter is to work harder in my classes and get my grades back up. In order to do it I will turn in my work and pay more adiction in class. Also I want to help others in my classes and also ask for help more to. Addicional I will not talk as much in class.
House Symbols

A symbol for my house which is Boys Four would be a football and a basketball becuase sports to us is a symbol of hard work and deaction. Also we believe if you can play sports and stick wigth the sport without quiting it shows a sign of respect for your teammates and your coachs. Sports is Boys Fours life!!
Monday, February 7, 2011
“Through the Tunnel” Prove Yourself Paragraph
When I was younger I felt like I had to prove myself to the older kids that I lived with, when I was younger I didn't really see the bad side about trying to look "cool" for other people. It was challenging for me because it seemed like I would never fit in. After a long time of trying to fit in I came to find out all I had to do is be myself and people would accepted me for who I am and not who I'm not.
Imagery in a Song
The song I pick is We are the Champions I picked it becuase you can see and touch a champion. Also becuase it explain about being a champion which I think I am. Also becuase they say smell like a champion so its kind of like imagery.
The song I pick is We are the Champions I picked it becuase you can see and touch a champion. Also becuase it explain about being a champion which I think I am. Also becuase they say smell like a champion so its kind of like imagery.
Thursday, February 3, 2011
Paragraph to Persuade You to Read My Poem
People should read the poem Grape Sherbet By Rita Dove becuase the poem really drags you in, it's a really good poem. Also if you like ice cream the detail that they give is really good it's nalmost like you have it right in front of you. People may not want to read it becuase there's not much to read and it seems like it's a poem for younger kids. The best part about the poem is the picuture that they provide which shows a family have fun outside together.
Wednesday, February 2, 2011
Poetry Experience Paragraph
The mood of my imagery in poem will a fun feeling mood the characters seem happy and excided about the ice cream. Also it seems like they are family bound, their spending time with family and just enjoying themslef. Addictional the poem shows nature too they all are outside todether loving and care for eachother. Imagery help show the feeling without really needing to see it, by good examples and words its easier to understand what the writer is saying.
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